What books about film/animation can you recommend?
This is a lie of course.
No one in the animation business has ever asked me to recommend a book. No animation student I have ever met has ever even given me the slightest indication that he could actually read. I have had a couple of exceptionally promising ones bang rocks together in a way that made me think they might like me to recommend a book about the art form. Or maybe just get them bigger rocks.
What the heck, here’s a fast list anyway.
My favorite book about film is, Frank Capra: Name Above the Title
After that in no particular order (cause you should read/memorize all these at the very least)
Donald Graham’s Composing Pictures
John Ford: the man and his films
The Illusion of life: Disney Animation
Anthony Mann (Weseleyan film)
MGM: When the Lion Roared
Ernst Lubitsch: Laughter in Paradise
The Animator’s Survival Kit.
Hitchcock's Notebooks: An Authorized And Illustrated Look Inside The Creative Mind Of Alfred Hitchcook
Hitchcock's Secret Notebooks
John Huston, Interviews
The Vilppu Drawing Manual
Hawks on Hawks and Howard Hawks, Interviews
The Cinema of Michael Curtiz
Drawn to Life: 20 golden years of Disney master classes
Conversations with Wilder
50 years and Only One Grey Hare.
Dream Worlds
The Five Cs of Cinematography
Film Art: An Introduction
ART by Gardner (all of em. Don't be afraid. You'll like knowing what your talking about for a change.)
Any Autobiography of any Director whose work you like.
At least a book or two about the work of each of the artists listed below.